Home Forums Autism Research Your travel training experiences

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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 2

      Hiya, I desperately need people to fill out my short survey on travel training https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WQZPZP3. I’ve worked with adults with autism for many years now and have made some good friends in the autism community. I teach independent travel and am doing research on this area and very much want to find out about the experiences of people that have had some training of any kind to help them manage their travelling better.Parents and carers can fill this in on the behalf of the person if that is easier, but it should be the views of the person that had the training that are put down.I’m doing this research with the University of Birmingham and there are my contact details in the survey where I can provide all the information you might need regarding data security and ethics. It is totally anonymous but if you don’t mind leaving a contact you get the chance to win a £20 Amazon voucher as a thank you for taking the time.Cheers and thanks

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