Autism Independent UK (SFTAH) How to contact us.
Email :
Tel: +44 (0)1536 523274 Fax: +44 (0)1536 523274 (3 lines)
Address: 199-203 Blandford Ave, Kettering, Northants. NN16 9AT. UK.
The Society exists to bring an increased awareness of autism to the notice of all, together with well established and newly developed approaches in the diagnosis, assessment, education and treatment. The main goal is to improve the quality of life for persons with Autism, giving them a chance to take their rightful place within their local community where they can live, work and play. Our recently opened office provides a Diagnosis & Assessment Resource Center, used by visiting consultants, combined with a library of books and videos where interested persons can obtain information regarding many aspects of autism. We are involved in policy making in the county of Northamptonshire, being members of the County Autism Project Committee, County Autism Coordinating Group, County Inter-Agency Autism Group.
Seminars and workshops are organised for the training of Educational and Clinical Psychologists, Therapists, Educationalists, Carers, Health workers and parents in the TEACCH (Training and Education of Communication-handicapped Children) Programme developed at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, U.S.A. also Social learning and understanding (Social Stories) by Carol Gray Dir. TM. and SCERTS by Emily Rubin MS, CCC-SLP Director, Communication Crossroads, These training initiatives have gained an International awareness, and have welcomed delegates from all over the world. More recently, we have been able to repeat this process with Social Care Services and the Health Authority which include vocational training in addition to appropriate care.
To date, Autism Independent UK (S.F.T.A.H.) has been instrumental in arranging and full or part-funding overseas training for several Senior personnel from within Special Needs, Social Services, Educational Psychology, Speech and language therapy and teachers to Division TEACCH in Chapel Hill, North Carolina where they received specialised training relevant to their own areas of expertise. They also had the opportunity to see and take part in how this approach is helping people with Autism world wide. Others have had various types of training across Europe, again funded or part funded by SFTAH.
The Society For The Autistically Handicapped produces a electronic information for professionals and parents, which includes as much as possible of the latest thinking in the field of autism. Parents and carers are encouraged to submit ideas which they have found efficacious in the handling of various problems.
We also operate a telephone HELP line for those requiring information, be they parents, carers or professionals. We endeavor to get answers to their questions, with the backing of internationally known researchers in this field.
It is also hoped, that trained counselors will be available to offer their personal services in the future.
DISCLAIMER: The (SFTAH) Autism Independent UK is a non-medical advice and information centre. It does not offer individual advice on health and would advise anybody seeking such advice to go to their own physician. Information given is for general use and should not be viewed as applicable to any individual situation.
Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information we do not take responsibility for its use by individuals.