Home Forums Looking for or Advertizing Jobs & Vacancies WANTED ABA TUTOR IN LEEDS, WEST YORKSHIRE FOR 5 YEAR OLD WITH AUTISM

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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 1

      We am looking for an ABA Tutor for my 5 year old son who has Autism. His speech is coming on but struggles with communication and social interaction.If you are not based in our area, but know someone who is I would greatly appreciate if you could provide me with their contact details. Thanks

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 1

      Hi there, I'm interested in finding out more about your son and what sort of input you are looking for. Do you already have a programme running and a consultant?I have an MSc in psychology and extensive experience working as an ABA tutor/supervisor both privately and for local authorities/councils. I've also worked for 15 + years in educational and mental health settings. I live in LS29 and can travel. Feel free to message me for a chat.Thanks!

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 1

      Hi there, I'm interested in finding out more about your son and what sort of input you are looking for. Do you already have a programme running and a consultant?I have an MSc in psychology and extensive experience working as an ABA tutor/supervisor both privately and for local authorities/councils. I've also worked for 15 + years in educational and mental health settings. I live in LS29 and can travel. Feel free to message me for a chat.Thanks!

      I'm also looking for a ABA tutor for my autistic 7 year old girl, if you're interested please contact me on elim2015@live.comThank you!

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