Home Forums Frequently Asked Questions Very Dissapointed And Angry!!!!

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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 32

      Note: SFTAH transferred this from old data base when site was updated, thus date and name lost, all dates 2006 & 2007 changed during changeover to odd dates.[:(!]Hi illy here yet againWell i phoned CAFS today, hope it is ok to mention them, i wanted to ask about geting second opinion on a dx for my son.Well considering the person i spoke to was a professional, i dont think that she conducted herself in a professional manner,.She didnt wish to discuss anything with me, she wouldnt tell me what qualifications etc she had in the Autism field, was very rude to me, and then asked me to tell her what qualifications my sister had, as i said she could see asperger in my son, aswell as many other people!!She told me she wouldnt be pressered, and basically doesnt seem to want to discuss anything with me, as if you have had your chance now do not bother me!!I am truly disgusted with this, as a very concerned mother, who is finding it very hard to get on with the every normal days situations, because of my two boys, Sorry for going on, but i think all professionals should act in a professinal manner , no matter what, not accuse me damn (sorry) near, of harrssing her!!rant over and phew!!!Thanks for listening illyThere is always tomorrow!

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 96

      Have you tried being referred to the child develoment center instead of going through the schoolhttp://autismandaspergersinthefamily.freeforums.org/index.php

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