Home Forums Autism Research Survey respondents needed – app for looking up sensory information about social

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    • Oscar
      Post count: 1

      Hi everyone,

      I hope you’re having a good day.

      I’m a UX Designer in the process of conducting research for an app that allows people to search for social or entertainment venues (such as restaurants and pubs) in their local area to find out information relating to sensory overstimulation.

      The idea is that it will help autistic and neurodiverse people to find places to go that meet their access needs, and I’m looking for individuals who meet the following criteria to answer a short survey:

      – Identify as autistic or neurodiverse

      – Have experienced sensory overload / overstimulation in social venues in the past

      Some more useful information about the survey:

      1. It’s 10 questions long, and will likely take 5-10 minutes to answer.

      2. Feedback will be used to inform design concepts for the app.

      3. It’s completely anonymous, but there’s an optional request to leave a name and email address as I’ll also be arranging video interviews with potential users down the line.

      Send me a message or email me on olfrench90@gmail.com you have any questions and thank you in advance 🙂

      CLICK LINK TO ACCESS SURVEY: https://forms.gle/HLGd85kfg4cRpJfU6

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