Home Forums Frequently Asked Questions school review HELP!!

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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 2

      Can anyone please advise me on what to ask for for my son who is 6 and in full time mainstream in Scotland. he has Classic Autism and last year he had a split placement with a Language Unit. he currently has a Support for Learning Assitant and that is all the support we recieve. he never uses the school toilet, only ever eats toast and grapes for lunch, is starting to get more and more frustrated when he doesn't get his own way and the frustration lasts longer now, he is in need of SALT and is waiting for OT and for a peadiatrican appointment as he is constipated. The school say everyone loves him and while this is great i feel that they tend to gloss over the bad stuff and focus on the positives – this doesn't address what is causing the unwanted behaviours. my Supporter has told me she can't make the meeting on monday so i'm on my own. As far as i know he does not have an IEP. HELP PLEASE!!

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 2

      I think you need to demand a school educational psychologist for an assessment, then get an IEP which should then lead to support in the classroom, my son was diagnosed at 6 yrs old and then got funding for a learning support teacher. without this the school will not get any funding for him. Hope that helps.

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