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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 2

      Thought i would introduce myself, my name is Erika and i have a very beautiful and special little boy called Luka. I think I have always known from the day he was born that there was something special about him, convincing others, well thats where the problem began.

      But I dont care what others think anymore, he is my child and he is all i know.
      I was unaware of alot of things untill he came along. Having Luka made me open my eyes to all sorts of things mainly the need to learn about Autism. I soon did, I found all the information i needed on various sites. I am learning all the time, every day something new but then i discovered Aspergers and everything fell into place.

      we are going through the statutory assessment phase at the moment, school, thats another story i am sure you are all so aware of the ignorance that our kids face on a daily basis in school.
      Thats about it, I trundle through life as best I can and keep in my heart always that my son has a gift and my god does it shine, it shines with all the colours of the rainbow……….

      Trying to make sense of a world with no sense in it… or so it seems…

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 2

      Hi shell, thanks for your reply and am about to visit your Autism And Aspergers in the family site.
      Again many thanks Erika x

      Trying to make sense of a world with no sense in it… or so it seems…

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 17


      Originally posted by erika
      Thought i would introduce myself, my name is Erika and i have a very beautiful and special little boy called Luka. I think I have always known from the day he was born that there was something special about him, convincing others, well thats where the problem began.

      But I dont care what others think anymore, he is my child and he is all i know.
      I was unaware of alot of things untill he came along. Having Luka made me open my eyes to all sorts of things mainly the need to learn about Autism. I soon did, I found all the information i needed on various sites. I am learning all the time, every day something new but then i discovered Aspergers and everything fell into place.

      we are going through the statutory assessment phase at the moment, school, thats another story i am sure you are all so aware of the ignorance that our kids face on a daily basis in school.
      Thats about it, I trundle through life as best I can and keep in my heart always that my son has a gift and my god does it shine, it shines with all the colours of the rainbow..........

      Trying to make sense of a world with no sense in it... or so it seems...

      Hello Erika ,Carey 2 here......

      You are so very right, you are the one that knows your child best and your instincts will be borne out.

      Yes there is still a frightening amount of ignorance,especially amongst teaching staff and so called "experts".
      It amazes and saddens me when you still see this when so many charities and professional bodies are doing their best to get the correct information out to the world, it seems that large numbers of educators and medics only hear/read half of the information or are just too entrenched in their own beliefs to want to change their approaches.

      I saw an article written on one Australian site by a doctor who was trying to correct a statement made by a parent about their child....
      He stated that "Autism is an illness, and that depending on what age the child contracted this illness dictated the type of expression and severity of autism they would suffer" [:(][:I]

      A SENCO that I met insisted that Autism and Asperger's Syndrome were totally different diseases and in no way connected......


      I trundle through life as best I can and keep in my heart always that my son has a gift and my god does it shine, it shines with all the colours of the rainbow..........

      Trying to make sense of a world with no sense in it... or so it seems...

      You are right,your child does have a gift and his "differences" are something to be worked with not against. Your love and care for your son will see him develop in to a fine young man.

      Visit us today........

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      The Blue Room Forum, A place for anyone involved with or affected by Autism and Asperger Syndrome.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 96

      Hi I am shell,I am aparent to 6 four have autismI also have autism.imy forumhttp://autismandaspergersinthefamily.freeforums.org/index.php

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