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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 11


      i have a 3 yr old boy diagnosed last year with ASD. it has been a hard year even though we have had some support from local services and he now does 3 session a week at a local special school. at the end of the day however my wife and i are own our own with the problem. we have no family support. our boy has recently become very aggressive especially towards my wife/his mum. we have tried the various diets to no effect. his behaviour directed to his mum is making her depressed and feeling hopeless.

      it would be good to hear from others that may have expererienced anything similar.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 32

      Hi Nick, I’m afraid the aggressive behaviour is fairly common place, indeed, when my wife and I attend courses we normally pick out the parents and professionals who are ‘hands on’ with our children by the gouges and wounds on their hands. Often the aggressive behaviour has its root in the communication problems and effective teaching and home strategies, using TEACCH, PECS etc. can help to reduce the violent outbursts. Whilst it’s not a lot of consolation for your wife, we find our son tends to attack those he loves the most (unfortunately for us, that was his little sister)
      You don’t mention which part of the country you are from. If it is Northants we can probably point you in the direction of relevent support services. One thing for sure, if you read the other posts, is that you are not alone in experiencing these issues.
      Carol is parent support here at Autism Independent and will help out if possible. You can contact her by phone at the Autism Independent office. I’m sure Jayne won’t mind me mentioning that she is also a wealth of info and help and has answered a large number of posts on here. Best wishes. Dave.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 13

      You are certainly not alone, im a single mum of my 12 year old son who has Aspergers, his violence has esculated over the years, so please get some help now. My son was only diagnosed this year, so i didnt understand his anger towards me…. Now i do…..

      There is help out there you just have to really fight to get the help.

      Jo. jo-bella@tiscali.co.uk

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 11

      Many thanks for your replies. your comments are not really a surprise but i suppose there is some comfort in knowing this problem is not uncommon. thanks again. Nick

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 6


    • Anonymous
      Post count: 2

      Hi welcome
      I am shell mum of 6 two with autism one with traits and one with LD
      nice to have you here love shell xx

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 8

      Hi Emma, nice to meet you, I am new too.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 96
    • Anonymous
      Post count: 6

      Hi Nick I.. I tooi have a 3 yr old who is becoming violent. Its not easily dealt with . We have started using Makkaton sign language, which our daughter loves…. Program Something special is wonderful and introduced us to it. Lily is fast picking it up. We are learning animals right now. The something special D|VD's arre available online. Your wife may benefit from anti depressants if she doesnt mind talking to her dr about this. I find they help wonders ( for your wife not the child ) I know its not ideal, but things are much less upsetting and it helps your ability to cope long term. It may take a while to find your “helpful dose” but its worth it in the end. My thoughts are with you, as autism is very difficult to deal with as we are all aware of I imagine. Our daughteer showed signs from 9 months old, which i didnt recognise til 8 months ago. We managed to get diagnosed quite quickly really. But lily is a beautiful happy little girl and we will continue to teach her as best we can. flash cards are useful you can make your own, using simple pictures of sad face, happy face, picture of his beaker to use when he wants a drink.. pictures of other things like his bed, bath, toilet etc so he can learn to communicate with you ( sorry cant remember if you said he was verbal or not) these things lessen the frustration, and therefore lessen the violence. There are many things that can help… does he have a quiet area,,, we provided lily with an indoor play tent, which she goes to to do private things, or have peaceful times. I hope I have helped, xx big hugs to you and your wife xxx

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