Home Forums Frequently Asked Questions just speech difficulties

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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 394

      Note: SFTAH transferred this from old data base when site was updated, thus date and name lost, all dates 2006 & 2007 changed during changeover to odd dates.My three year old has got a speech delay and he is particularly sensitive to loud noises but he doesn't have a problem interacting with people in his own way and is ok with being out of routine. I'm not sure whether I even need to worry

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 96

      A lot of children with ASD interact however it is the oddness of that interaction where the problems arise.A child with asperers will activley seek out peers.This is a rating scale for PDD all autistic spectrums disorders fall under this catogeryIt is not a diagnosis but it does give an overall idea.http://autismandaspergersinthefamily.freeforums.org/pdd-rating-scale-t10.html

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