Home Forums Looking for or Advertizing Jobs & Vacancies International Position: Highly experienced ABA therapist needed in Jeddah, Saudi

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      Post count: 393

      Experienced ABA Therapist and early childhood special educator (SPED) who is preferably a (or working towards their) BCBA or a BCaBA needed to work full time with a 4 year old boy on the autism spectrum at home and in his nursery in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The SPED must be proficient in evidence-based practices used with young children with ASD and able to address the child’s needs across all developmental domains in multiple settings. The SPED should have at least three years experience working collaboratively within an interdisciplinary team. The SPED will be responsible for co-developing and implementing the IEP and will work alongside an Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist and Nursery team. The SPED will develop lesson plans, be responsible for the implementation of the behaviour support plan, will collect data and communicate with the family and team. The SPED should have knowledge and experience in:· Applied Behaviour Analysis methodology · Visual schedules and supports· Natural environment training · Coaching educators· Early Childhood Curricula · Sensory processing DisorderOne year renewable contract. Excellent salary, housing benefits, medical insurance and transportation costs are included in employment package. Please send your Resume and cover letter to David Hinman, the hiring consultant via email to davidhinman@abatutorfinder.com

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