Home Forums New Members Hi all new to site!!!!

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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 6

      Note: SFTAH transferred this from old data base when site was updated, thus date and name lost, all dates 2006 & 2007 changed during changeover to odd dates.My name's louise i'm 28 yr's old and mum to jordan who is 9 yr's old and has severe autism which we strongly believe to be caused by vaccine damage!!!He had his first (hib and dpt) jab and the next day stoped breathing and was in (itu) for a week.Before he had his first (mmr jab) he was saying five word's and was reallly bubbly,laughing,smileing and looking back at photo's.And video footage you can notice a change in him that's what happened to my little boy.He's got no speech still in nappie's 24-7 had him sleeping in his own bed for the last 8 mounth's getting no where with toileting.School hoilday's were a night mare very hard don't get much help from family or my boy friend get 10 hr's a mounth respite is it any wonder i get down in the dump's i live in leicester to love to make some friend's on the site to[:I]!!!!!l blick

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 20

      Hi Louise welcome on board Im Deb i live in the west Midlands i have a son 15 dx of SPCD and a girl 13 with severe autism ,severe learning difficulties ,behavioural problems and she is non verbal and has absence fits i agree with you about the six weeks its been so hard welcome on board anyway
      Deb [:)]

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 32

      Hi i am also new, and have one boy who is ADHD, and one boy who i believe to be Aspergers, dyspraxia and possible Tourettes

      I hope to get to know you all better soon

      Hugs illy[:)]

      There is always tomorrow!

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 96

      I am a Parent to 6 four have autism.I also have autism.http://autismandaspergersinthefamily.freeforums.org/index.php

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