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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 32

      Hi everyone my name is illy, and i am new here,
      I have 3 children, one diagnosed with ADHD, and a 6 year old who i believe has Asperger Syndrome, however we had appointment the other week at CAFS in Kettering, and they say no! But also that if his behaviour continues at home and school in the next 3 -4 years they will see him again!!
      That is no good to me, i know he is defo AS, he lines everything up, his senses are very sensitive, he doesnt understand simple instructions, he cant play with others, he swears, is aggressive, to everyone, he has no concept of dangers, he only plays with a few select things, animals, soldiers, and thunderbirds, and that is just lining them up!!
      His coordination is very poor, as are his gross and fine motor skills, he still wears nappies,
      So what would you say?

      I also have a 2 year old daughter who seems ok, just very independant and very forward.

      Thankyou for letting me join, and hope to hear from you soon

      One very confused, angry mother of 3


      There is always tomorrow!

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