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      Hi Everyone,I have just joined. I am a grandma to a 12 year old boy and I am also his Primary carer. He has lived with me since he was a baby. As he was growing I noticed that something was not quite right, I put it down to being boisterous. It was picked up at pre-school, but due to unforseen circumstances it was not addressed earlier. It was finally diagnosed late in 2010. Since that time he is displaying physical aggression but only at the home setting. There are also other factors. He is a Wonderful Lovely young lad. I Love him dearly. I have been struggling with his behaviour and as such I might have made things worse for him. The way I have dealt with him. Lack of knowledge. I am ashamed of myself. I am trying to educate myself more to understand the autism in him. I know he loves me and he knows I love him but we struggle with the situation at home. It is negative and very tense. We do have good times. he his very bright and very funny.I found this site very useful. 🙂 Any advice and tips very welcome. 🙂I am a stressed out grandma ???

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