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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 9

      Hi have just located this forum and hope to meet others to share support, encouragement, views and stories. My son is almost 12 and was diagnosed with AS on the 5th Jan 07, I am currently finding my way around all the info thats about. My son suffers mainly with social anxiety, OCD/rituals and is very relucant to go to school (only been 1 day in past two weeks). Having a fair amount of trouble with school they just don’t seem to understand, they say “he’s fine whilst he’s at school” our Consultant says he clearly is not and that he has managed to keep up a facade of compliance and piloteness. He does not sleep well, has terrible trouble with his clothes, feel etc, won’t look or speak to people and won’t ask for help, academically is well above average and on the National Register for Gifted & Talented children. With the right support my child is a bright, happy and fun, but school drags him down…..any suggestions welcomed

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 96

      so many have acted our way through life myself included,my aspies now.Have you tried getting him a gifted schoolhttp://autismandaspergersinthefamily.freeforums.org/index.php

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