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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 3

      Hello! I'm new here. I work with kids on the autism spectrum. I fell into this career through a job offer by a friend and have never looked back. I really love the kids I work with and being able to help them grow and express themselves as individuals. In the last few years, I've discovered the online autism community and all the amazing blogs and conversations going on. It has really expanded my understanding of autism and it has had a huge effect on the way I approach the individuals I work with. I've been reading as many blogs and books by individuals on the autism spectrum and parents to help myself understand the individuals I work with, how they experience the world, and how to best support them. Right now I am taking a break and completing a MSc in Clinical Psychology in Swansea (though I am originally from Canada). I'm currently working on my dissertation which is on stress and personal growth in parents of children on the autism spectrum (a link is posted in the research section).I look forward to seeing what this forum has to offer, getting to know some of you, and continuing to expand my understanding of autism and life with autism. Cheers, Shannon

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