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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 393

      Hi there, I am new to this site.
      I am an Aunt of a 7 year old Nephew. He was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome in April 2008.
      He has many problems including:
      Sleeping problems (put to bed at 6pm but talks to keep awake until 9-10pm. We put on a gentle classical CD which usually helps.
      Messy eating he wears a apron.
      Problems with toilet training at night as he is a deep sleeper when alseep.
      No fear of danger.
      Talk to anyone.
      Hates noise and will cover his ears up.

      He goes to a fantastic school (mainstream) and has a one-to-one TA everyday from 9am-3pm. She is incrediable. He cant get away with anything as she is fairly firm so he knows where he stands. She even uses a little bit of basic sign language.

      Most of all We all love him to bits and although he can be very tiring and he gets stressed and anxious easily this is what makes him even more loveable!

      I attend a group which has mothers, fathers and realtives who come along and share good tips, so if I think that any are any good I will try and pass them on to anyone.
      They also gave me a toy store in Bere Regis, Dorset which hires out play toys and educational equipment it costs between 50p-£3.00 a week but you have to pay a small membership fee of £6.50 a year which is nothing really. I havent tried them out yet but I will be going there in the future. there is no actual website for them but there name is called Treats.

      If you have any hints/tips it would be greatly appreciated.

      Please to speak to you all


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