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    • Anonymous
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      Autism is described as a social/communication problem. Processing auditory information is a critical component of social communication, and people with autism spectrum disorders typically have problems processing this information. One problem occurs when a person hears speech sounds but does not perceive the meaning of the sounds. Sometimes the lack of speech comprehension is interpreted by others as an unwillingness to comply, when in fact the person simply isn’t able to retrieve the meaning at that moment.This was such an accurate description of the difficulties my son faced, I knew I had to find away to unlock his understanding. I have tried many things including several forms of auditory processing training. All have had a positive impact on his social communication skills but the one that is standing out the most and also now having a remarkable impact on his reading and writing skills is Forbrain (winner of a BETT 2015 award).The technology is beyond me but uses the child's own voice to retrain the auditory pathways and only takes 15 minutes a day. All I can say is if you can afford it then buy it. If you use this code you will get a 10% discount and I will get a small commission. Google Forbrain to read about the benefits of this technology and then use this code 3B3001682 to claim your 10% discount or this link to buy one directly http://www.forbrain.com/?utm_id=3B3001682

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