Home Forums Advertisements College offers full time residential courses for 16-24 year olds with ASD

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      Are you interested in ESPA College’s full time residential courses for 16-24 year olds with ASD?As a charity formed more than 25 years ago by parents of children with autism, ESPA is trying to raise awareness of the many services it offers young people aged 16-24 across the spectrum.We are writing to organisations around the UK who support parents of children with ASD and groups run by young adults with ASD to tell them about ESPA College’s bespoke curriculum and all year round residential provision. Recognised as a leading provider of specialist education for young people aged 16-24 with ASD, ESPA College offers a diverse and flexible curriculum including the core subjects emotional literacy, social communication, behaviour self-management and functional skills like English, Maths and ICT.We offer vocational specialist traineeships with work placements designed to prepare students for employment, while our excellent links with further education colleges and universities enable us to identify progression routes into further and higher education.A combination of autism specific environments and multi-disciplinary teams, coupled with small teaching groups, gives our learners specialist autism provision which other providers struggle to match.Dedicated facilities include our day college sites Tasker and the newly refurbished South Hill in Sunderland and North Rye in Newcastle. We also have halls of residence in Ashbrooke in Sunderland and Gosforth in Newcastle, and can provide a residential service 52 weeks per year as well as respite provision.Other services include: transition services; support at general further education college and university support.ESPA College is part of Education & Services for People with Autism, a registered charity established in 1989 by a group of dynamic parents in NE England. Our mission is to support people across the autism spectrum to enjoy rewarding and fulfilling lives.To find out more please visit: http://espacollege.org.uk/gateway/

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