Home Forums New Members can someone help i think my son may have autism

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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 1

      hi all im new to this i think my son my have autism. He is almost 2. I may be completely wrong or it could be something else but he doesn't seem quite right.ok the things i have noticed-1. he doesn't talk - he used to say yes no mama dada nanna yes and no. he now only says yes and shakes his head for no. he VERY rarely says mama. he gets very upset and frustrated when i don't understand what he wants2. he shows lots of behavior that seems obsessive - he must shut all doors and gets very upset if we don't close them he sorts blocks into colours and then will only play with one colour at a time. must tidy everything away immediately he even tried putting branches back on a tree at the park today.3. interaction - he will play with grown ups but only if they initiate it and gets overwhelmed easily. he won't play with other children and prefers to play alone.4. he will however go and explore his surroundings 5. he often completely ignores me like he can't hear me 6. he understands exactly what we say to him and will follow instructions7. often holds hands to ears and screams8. when he is playing outside he runs flapping his arms and screamsi may well be completely wrong and it could just be catching me off guard because he is so different to his older sister can anyone offer any advice ie similar experience who to speak to/ next stepsthanks

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 1

      hi i know exactly how you feel, if you think something is not quite right its probably not, and you have a daughter so you can compare some sort of difference, my son who is autistic was my 1st child and i had no-one to compare him to but i knew something wasnt quite right, he wouldnt talk, he was socially disconnected he was very particular when playing like lining up blocks in shape and colour order, i would ask you health visitor or gp to refer you to a child development centre of child phychologist and they will do the steps to test and come to a decision on a diagnosis, but dont worry there is plenty of help out there

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 393

      I was in exactly the same position 20 yrs ago, you definitely have cause for concern you could have been describing my son who was severely autistic but turned out to be the most beautiful thing in our lives. We delayed getting the doctor to refer him for a developemental evalution because of the severe heart problems he'd been born with. Firstly get the doctor to refer you to a child psyschologist, he may tell you that you're jumping the gun, ignore him and insist. The quicker a diagnosis the better. I wish you and your family a happy future.

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