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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 4

      Short story about my son.I have two sons my first born is 13 and my second born is nearly eight.Both good babies contented and that. second born is kyle always happy.for his 3rd birthday got him a bob the builder bike,the next day i get up 7.30 in the morning to find my front door open,kyle and his bike gone. I got dressed got on my bike and went riding around every were looking for him an hour had gone by and all there was left to do was go to the police station,luckly he had been picked up and reported by a lady and the police went to get him.The police had to put him on a register because this was the secound time he left home only the first time he was taken in a few doors up from home.I had to lock all doors and put keys away after.couldnt understand why he would just go off like that,my other son never did,still all kids are diffrent.But i couldnt help thinking how diffrent he was from my other child,from the age of about 18 months he would bang his head repeatedly on the floor.Still bangs his head but with his hands now and if hes rearly mad he punches him self.started school at 4 and loved it cried on his first day but only whan i picked him up to go home.Charming i thought didnt even miss me.His talking was only 2 words at a time by the time he was 5 he was talking much better and i could just understand what he was saying it would take hime some time but the way he talked was grown up words.By the time he was 6 his school had concerns about him,i ignored most of the complaints about him,it had nothing to do with him misbehaving but other things i still didnt know what they was going on about,next thing i know my childs seeing speech & therapy,act…At the time i just went along with wat ever they thought.Got all this endless statmented papers for special needs.I was going through it and found a leaflet in the folder,in big bold letters it said AUTISM.Autism whats autism i thought no ones ever said anything.So i checked things out over the net,it was strange at first like im thinking sounds a little bit like kyle.I told a friend about it and was told to watch the rain man,so i did.I was overwelmed after this and went on and on to find out all i could about autism in all its forms.It seems autism in all forms has commen grounds.Kyles nearly 8 now,last month it was his statment review at school,my self,kyle and teachers spoke of his future,kyle was reading a book as we talked,I was told to see gp to have him refered for an official assesment.In the mean time see about other schools for him as he might have problems in the bigger school.Sadly when we left the school after the meeting kyle said dont the big school want me then.kyle might have problems but hes not stuppid,last time i will have a meeting with kyle in the room.I am due to meet a kind head in a nearby school its basicaly to help me understand how schools are for children with special needs.Its not a school kyle can go to because this one is more for high level of learning difficulties.So the next suitable school is 30 miles away,unless i pay private and i dont have money for that.Its sad but this country doesnt do enough to help are children that are diffrent thrive at school.I love my son to bits and i wouldnt change him,what i need now is a great school with kind teachers who are properly trained and understanding.mainstream in the bigger school for my boy would be awful,i believe he will get bullied and picked on and so i may end up figting to get him in the 1 thats 30 miles away.

      k smith

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 4

      Thank you for your reply.I didnt know about kyle absconding and his autism was the same for some others who have autism.His absconding from home have stoped now and when we go shopping in a store,i let him go anywere in the store alone to look at things and i go and find him, when im finished getting things im going to buy.In the past i lost him so many times in shops and i said you can look around any shop we go into but you must not leave the shop unless im leaving too.Its worked for me.Although kyle is yet to be diagnosed,i beleive he has asbergers,From what i have read this is autism with speach & and better IQ.I went to see the head at the special needs school and they have some of their children go to a mainstream but have part of that school for them to be teached with trained teachers.As it is kyle cant write very well and hates having to write.This school can give laptops and i think kyle would do better writting things down using laptop keys,he can spell,do mental maths and his reading is above his age.But his writting is not good.At the moment kids in kyles school keep daring him to do things that are naughty,kyle does not understand that what these kids are asking him to do is bad.Thing is i cant tell him to stop doing what these kids are saying for him to do because kyle will get upset and ask why they are being horrid to him.I kow its hard but i will get him in a proper school to meet his needs.

      k smith

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