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    • Anonymous
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      Note: SFTAH transferred this from old data base when site was updated, thus date and name lost, all dates 2006 & 2007 changed during changeover to odd dates.Hi i'm Kath i am writin about my son Matthew who is 12 he is showing signs of autism now i understand what autism is these signs have been there for some time. Quite regularly he will run up and down shaking his hands other times he will hold himself rigid but moving his upper body backwards and forwards and will also make flashing movements with his hands.He finds it very hard to make friends would sooner stay in and come to mention it he wont stay in the room with us he just wants to be alone.Matthew came to me and said he is different than other children his age and that he is a freak.What could i do only try to reassure him i only found out what autism was through his teacher who mentioned it at parents evening, after lookin into it alittle more everything fitted into place for these are only a few of the symptom he shows.I have made an app to see our GP but am worried what will happen next.If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 1

      hi Kath I have just recieved a diagnosis for my 11 year old son after wondering about him for a long time GP is the first step Have a detailed list of your concerns he should then refer you to a community childrens consultant who then will complete a detailed assesment this involves asking you (and your son if appropriate) lots of questions about his childhood from bith to present day this is scored using a special system ( we had 2 visits to do the assesmemt and one for results as well as questionaires to do at home/school)I found it was a long process and that you have to keep ringing for appointments and chasing things up, but a relief when you get a diagnosis comfirmed don`t give up

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 96

      Hiusally you will be referred to your child development center for a multy dicaplinary assessment this will include a speech therapist,educational phycologist,occupational therapist physio,audio and eye test.this takes place over three weeks depending if the traits are very noticible in which case it will be shorterhave a look herehttp://autismandaspergersinthefamily.freeforums.org/index.php

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 6

      Hi Kath, I too am new here, Usua;;y a child development specialist Doctor, will examine your child ask you and him questions etc. along with school teachers, child psychologist, any any other specialists, will write reports regarding your concerns. They meet at the Local education authority panel to draw up a statement which you will need to agree to, in order to find the correct educational environment for your son. This is because autistic [eople have difficulty in social situations and can have difficulty understanding their environment. You will need to stay focussed, and push to get your sons diagnoses finalised... it may not be autism, but another disorder on the austism spectrum, especially if your son was verbal before the age of 3. This is Aspergers syndrome, a diusability with simular signs to autism but with the ability to interact to some degree. You need to speak to your GP about your concerns and get a referel to a child development team Dr. Then see what they advise, as to what the next step is. If the Dr believes there is a problem, he/she will refer your son to development/ psychological etc testing which results in statementing if necessary. The school will be asked to provide evidence, as well as any other professional that deals with your son....any club leaders may be asked to write a report too. I hope this helps. Our 3yr old has just been diagnosed, after statementing recognised autism, but failed to name autism as reason for behaviour, so i asked for referal to local autistic paediatric consultant. ( statementing proceedure said our daughter was a speech and language /toilet training /social interaction problem child... one long winded way of saying autism if you ask me.)

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