Home Forums Autism and pregnancy, sexuality Etc Aspergers person with sexuality question

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    • Anonymous
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      Note: SFTAH transferred this from old data base when site was updated, thus date and name lost, all dates 2006 & 2007 changed during changeover to odd dates.I don't really know how to ask this question. To be honest I'm embarrassed to be writing this on a forum, but trying to talk to someone outside of a computer screen is worse. I hope I don't cross a border when trying to explain, if I do I'm sorry.I am mid twenties, and female. I don't seem to be 'turned on' by either men or women. But I do get aroused when im alone in my bedroom. I can't do anything about it. I try to masterbate but it just feels stronger then. And I get fantasies of being tied up.Is this ... I dunno... I suppose the best way to put it is 'another way being Aspie has my head screwed up' or do ordinary people get like this too? And is there any way I can ... deal with it?Again, sorry if I've been too open and stuff.confused.one

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 1

      People, whether they’re neurotypical, Asperger or whatever, get turned on by a whole load of different things. Some like people of the opposite sex. Some like people of the same sex. Some are more aroused by ‘bits’ of people (legs, feet, whatever),inanimate objects or fantasy situations. This is all just part of the wacky mix that is human sexuality. If it’s not harmful to the person having the fantasy, or to anyone else, and if it’s not illegal or dangerous, then what someone is thinking or doing when they’re alone in their room is their own business.

      Wendy Lawson has written a really good book called ‘Sex,Sexuality and the Autism Spectrum’which some people have found very helpful as an ‘insider’s guide’ to the topic of Aspergers and sexuality. A link to the page on amazon – which includes details about the contents – is


      Hope this helps.

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