Home Forums Frequently Asked Questions 3 yr old son with confused parents

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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 394

      Note: SFTAH transferred this from old data base when site was updated, thus date and name lost, all dates 2006 & 2007 changed during changeover to odd dates.Just over a year ago our son, then 2yrs 6mths, as referred to clinical psych by a speech therapist. Basically the concerns were lack of speech, restricted to single words or 'learnt phrases' which he repeated over and over again, and difficult behaviour ie terrible tanturms. He dnever waved or pointed and occasionally lined things up, and below average motor skills and comprehension. One year on we have had quite a bit of play therapy and speech therapy. His speech had improved dramatically, although it can be stilted and out of context sometimes. His imagination has kicked in big time and his level of creative play is hilarious. he is very friendly and affectionate, likes to try and socialise but isnt always sucessful and has the most amazing memory for the tiniest and strangest details. We are still waiting for formal diagnosis of something but we keep getting so many mixed opinions from all the 'experts' who have been in contact with him - some say he is ASD and some say that is not. We just don't know what to think or do.... any advice would be truely appreciated. Many thanks

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 96

      http://autismandaspergersinthefamily.freeforums.org/pdd-rating-scale-t10.htmlThis is a PDD rating scale it is not a diagnosis,however this questionaire is most accurate,print out the results and take them with you to assessmentthis is a link for the diagnostic process in the ukhttp://autismandaspergersinthefamily.freeforums.org/diagnosis-the-process-for-children-uk-t1019.html

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