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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 2

      Hi thanks to everyone who has replied to my message, it as been a while since i have logged on been off the Internet for a while. Since my last message my son Joe has started nursery for two hours in the mornings and surprisingly he is getting along excellently his talking has improved a bit he doesn’t really play with the other children but it doesn’t bother him that they are around him and he likes to go, I was really worried about having to leave him i thought he would get upset but he takes off his coat says bye mummy and runs off to play, the nursery teachers are really nice and helpful couldn’t wish for better. As yet we have no diagnosis for him and to be quite truthful I’m getting a bit annoyed we last saw a paediatrician in august he was a locum as our local hospital didn’t have a permanent one i was told that this would be sorted in September and that Joseph would be discussed at their joint assessment team meeting then it would be taken from there i have had to phone and find out what is going on the lady i deal with is the one we saw at first she is a speech therapist, she thought we has seen the new paediatrician but of course we haven’t so she has finally go us an appointment at the end of the month and we will take it from there but on the whole he has seen this woman since may four times i just wish it could be sorted i hate not knowing

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 96

      They should have diagnosed by now.I would ask them to make a diagnosis.4 weeks is ample time to assess and diagnosehttp://autismandaspergersinthefamily.freeforums.org/index.php

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 6

      Hi Sarah, reading you story is identical to mine and many otjhers on here. It certainly sounds like asd to me but i'm no dr. Please push to get your child assessed quicker. The process can take 6 months so have paitience although i understand this will be frustrating for you. Your child will be assessed and your input will be vital, start writing things down when you have breathing space ( i know you wont get much of it but try) and expalin things fromn as young as you can, you will be asked to complete development forms, and they will observe your child over an hour or so, then educational psychologists, speech therapists, special needs teachers plus nursery teachers and any other professional involved with your child will be invited by the Local Education Authority to write reports which will all go to panel ( a meeting that decided what is best for your child) and then a pre statement will be drwn up, if autism is not mentioned ask the lea for your child to see the paediatric autistic consultant to assess your child. ( like i did… in fact ask your gp to refer you) . The final statement will then be drawn up to advise which school can meet your childs needs. If you agree the child begins school and is reviewed every 6 months ( if under 5 yrs old) and every year ( if over 5yrs old). I hope this helps. My msn email is tigersbaby@hotmail.co.uk if any one feels the need toi talk at all. I know a shoulder to cry on is helpful xx ( that is open to all by the way)My name is Jayne Dallimore.

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