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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 1

      I have joined this forum after learning my 2.5 year old son may have autism, we had a visit from the Special needs team (NHS) this morning and she asked questions and observed and before asking us if we thought there was more to him not talking (as that was the main reason she'd visited) and I said I thought he could be autistic and she said thats what she also thinks but didnt say for definate, we now have been reffered to early years service who will work closely with his nursery and go further with the peadatritian.Sorry if not alot of this makes sense or seems muddled im still trying to get my head around itI even forgot to introduce myself, I'm Casey, 22 mummy to Harvey, 2.5 and Alfie 14 months

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 393

      Welcome to the forums, I'm new here too.I went through this when I was younger but my parents never really knew I had autism until I was 7.I could never speak until I was about 3 and a half years old but never went to the doctors until the behaviour showed more.I'm alot better now than I was years back, so as far as I know, maybe your son may become someone who is intelligent/creative. 🙂All the best for you Casey. 🙂- superboyian.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 1

      Hello 😀I am LARRY :XI am a new member of forum.Good day you guys !__________________ Watch The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Online Free

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