Home Forums New Members our son Re: Re: visit to the school

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hi well been a while since last post >:( .. we went to the school today as we found out ben was been bullied due to his asperges , how cruel kids can be sometimes.. We also found out recently that in the PE changing rooms another pupil attempted to pull down his underwear. This has really caused him to to massive steps backwards regarding the want to attend school. The school stated that due to reasons regarding the welfare of pupils teachers were not allowed to be present when children get changed before and after lessons. This we can understand but how the hell can teachers control or supervise kids when they cant even be in the same room ? The schools pastoral head stated that he would deal with the bullying by way of a verbal warning but this only made the situation worse. Oh why cant we seem to get any real answers from the school. Both my partner and i sat there for 30mins and felt like we were the ones who had done wrong. Maybe a hoover for the school would help as they seem to like putting problems under the carpet. Funny thing is they had no idea how many pupils suffer with autism in the school even tho they only have 600 children. Anyone else having these problems feel free to get in touchniki and ben xx