Home Forums New Members Hi! New here and looking for support and advice Re: Re: Hi! New here and looking for support and advice

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I had to stop there cos my phone went silly. Thing is now, I don't even know if Caitlin is autistic, I'm in limbo. My friends say she's just naughty, but I can't believe that this is my child just being naughty. She shows very little remorse when she's hurt one of us. If I shout, she shouts back. Naughty step doesn't work. Time out in a chill out room (as suggested by nurse) is no good cos she won't stay there. She's due to go back to school on tues and I just don't know how we're going to manage it. Every morning is ww3 just to get dressed etc. my other DD is home schooled due to health problems and I'm wondering I'd this may also be the best option for Caitlin? I just don't know what to do for the best? Kelly x