Home Forums Physical Restraint v Seclusion Aggression and restraining Re: Re: Aggression and restraining

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I am a parent to 6 four have autism.I also have autismIt seems he knows that if he is aggresive he is left alone,it has gone beyond a behaviour .Restraints are uselss and will only serve to make him worse.he has sensory issues too which in itself will cause challanging behaviour,I suffer greatly with thesedivertion is often better and ignoring the behaviour(not the child) also hlps act has if the behaviour isnt happening,My youngest is also big and strong.we use lots of visuals .sometimes its best to dtart at the begining.Do you have a behaviour plan,you also do not say what diagnosis your child has.is he on any medicationhttp://autismandaspergersinthefamily.freeforums.org/behaviours-f11.html