Home Forums Physical Restraint v Seclusion Aggression and restraining Re: Re: Aggression and restraining

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A word of caution, if the person is willfully being i.e. on purpose being aggressive and understands why s/he is restrained during or after the outburst restraint may be appropriate.Remembering people with autism depending on degree do not like touch, people in their proximity, being shouted at corralled, and unpredictability.Things to consider, would restraint be meaningful to the person, would it exacerbate the problem, would it take into consideration the above, would it become part of a routine, do they learn by observation and or by what is done to them (can lead to them using the same procedure being used on you). Does the person suffer with epilepsy or other medical problem, depression, IBS, want or need something and unable to communicate, too much noise, movement and unpredictability around them, frustrated, pre bowl movement, is there a pattern pre outburst.If the person is of the type above, then restraint should not be used Seclusion should be the first option with observation until the person has calmed down.Minimal restraint may be required whilst escorting the person a seclusion area.Restraint should only be used when seclusion is not an option and not as a first option.