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nice to hear from you
to help a little with the new criteria for diagnosis for autism compared to the old one

the new criteria now looks more on level of impairment rather than the previous criteria’s that are more split up into categories. i.e. Asperger syndrome, autism with learning difficulties

previously Asperger syndrome and autism were considered two separate conditions
with people who had the Asperger variety consider to have less impairment or disability that people who also had learning difficulties (such as an IQ below 75).

However, psychologists realized over time that some of the people with Asperger’s, even those who have extremely high IQ’s had more impairment or disability in life that some of the people who had low IQ’s.

The psychologists also realised that some of the people with Asperger syndrome etc.
suffered from more symptoms that made their lives difficult.

For example, previously someone with Asperger Syndrome who suffered from communication problems and sensory impairment would not have been consider as disabled as someone who had learning difficulties but who didn’t suffer from sensory impairment or communication problems or had obstacles to employment etc. (if such a person exists).

So. In 2015, the American Psychiatrists Association, decided to create an umbrella term for all symptoms that are associated with autism regardless of an individuals IQ level, so that the diagnosis measured more the level of disability or impairment than their IQ level.

Now, Autism Spectrum Disorder or Autism Spectrum condition includes all forms of autism.
To be diagnosed with this condition / disorder, a person must undergo an evaluation by a qualified health professional. generally a clinical psychologist who specialises in this area.

And the individual must fulfil the diagnostic criteria.

What that means from here, is that you should now be able to access some forms of support for your condition. You may also be able to read up on the condition so you may gain a better understanding of the condition for yourself, so you can at least understand why the way you are.

There is however no present way of treating or curing the condition using medicine.
Some psychologists do believe however there are some types of therapy that can help reduce some of the problems that people who have autism have, although such therapies are usually more aimed at reducing problems with mental health that can exist comorbidly (at the same time with autism).

In some countries such as US, having a diagnosis of autism may mean that you may be able to be housed in specialist housing. It also may mean that you will receive some form of benefit for being disabled. as Autism spectrum disorder is a recognised disability and has been since 1995.

Hope this helps.