Home Forums Autism Research Study – Relationship between sensory sensitive, camouflaging and autistic traits


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    • Mohini
      Post count: 1

      Hey, I am Mohini, a student of Newcastle University doing MSc in Clinical Psychology. I am interested in understanding how the way people feel in situations is related to worry and anxiety. Are some people’s strict routines affect their social interactions? Also, are females better in social situations and social interactions than males.

      For this reason, your co-operation and participation are needed. This research has been granted ethical approval from Newcastle University’s Ethics committee. All the responses will be completely confidential, and you can leave the study anytime you feel uncomfortable.

      If you have any queries about the study or the questionnaire, you can reach me on M.Choudhary2@newcastle.ac.uk

      If are interested in being a part of the study, kindly click on the link below. http://nclpsych.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0vuDeKnqUOdHe5v

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