Home Forums New Members help requires…very worried

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      Hi everyone, i am totally new to all this.I have a 2 yrs 7mnth old who has no speech at all, has languge difficulties and some autistic trates, he has had a SLICE assesment where they want to see him in 6-12 months time as a diognosis could not be made, he has autisic traes they say but unwilling to confirm...i am extremelly worried, i can't sleep and feel sick, i as a mother am not qualified...my job as a mum is to get the best help possible to get professional intervention to help him... things are going to slow...very slow...i was concerned at 1 he is now nearly 3 and still has no NHS speech therapist etc...we have engaged a private speech therapist ourselves.... he has pre school support now and again... but i am so fustrated that i can't get what's needed for him.he has the following trates:he lines things up all the timehe concentrates only on 1 thing usually very tiny details no one else can seehe has tantrums and smacks himself over the head alothe spins in circleshe gives eye contact but blinks alot and for longer than a normal blinkhe uses hand mannerisms that stretch and go stiffhe has no speech at allI am wanting to do the ABA programme and what to recruit staff in the Bolton NORTHWEST uk area...can anyone help.... when does the knot in your stomach disappear? 🙁 any help appreciated.

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