Home Forums Autism Research How Occupational Therapy can help children with ASD PDD Diagnosis

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      Hi there, I am looking for any parents who could possible help in completing the questionnaire below. I have a 15 year old son with an ASD disgnosis and am currently studying for an access course in social sciences, to enable me to study at university for an occupational therapist degree, specialising in children with a ASD or PDD diagnosis. My dissertation is about the benefits of occupational therapy and how widely available it is used. If you could take the time to fill this in i would really appreciate this....Kind Regards Michelle ‘Occupational Therapy - Assessment of Services and Experiences of Parents with Children with ASD – PDD Diagnosis Questionnaire’(Please highlight the correct answer by changing the font colour)Thank you once again for completing this. SECTION ONE Has your child been Diagnosed with ASD or PDD? Yes No AGE OF CHILD 0-5 6-10 11-16GENDER Male Female SECTION TWO Has your child been referred to an Occupational Therapist? Yes No Was Occupational Therapy explained to you? Yes No Not ApplicableDid you understand the explanation? Yes No Not ApplicableSECTION THREE How long did the assessment last? 0-30 minutes 31-60 minutes 1 hour and aboveDo you feel that the occupational therapist listened to the wishes of yourself and your child? Yes No Not ApplicableWas you made to feel central to the discussions for your child? Yes No Not ApplicableWere the options for equipment or adaptations discussed with you? Yes No Not ApplicableWere you informed about what happens next? Yes No Not ApplicableDo you feel that the recommendations from the assessment were relevant to your Childs needs? Yes No Not ApplicableSECTION FOUR How would you rate the service provided? Excellent Good Fair PoorDo you feel that occupational therapy has improved your Childs life? Yes No Not ApplicableDo you feel that there should be more access to occupational services for children with ASD and PDD diagnosis? Yes No No CommentDo you feel that occupational therapy workshops would benefit parents in creating more understanding of techniques available? Yes NoIf you wish to make any comments on the above questionnaire please list below.

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