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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 2

      Note: SFTAH transferred this from old data base when site was updated, thus date and name lost, all dates 2006 & 2007 changed during changeover to odd dates.I have a 10 yr old son who I believe has AS, he has struggled throughout his school life especially for the last few years. He has been labelled as badly behaved, cheeky and rude. Though his teachers dont know what to do with him and describe him as "odd" and "innapropriate". He is academically very bright especially in Maths though struggles to complete work especially if it is a written assignment. There are countless other reasons why I am sure James has AS, ie. his fixation with dinosaurs, his difficulties in social situations, the fact that though very bright he just doesnt get things etc. I have discussed with his teacher and my GP who has referred us to our local hospitals children and young peoples dept. My family met with a psychologist there and they agree he should be assessed for AS but I have to wait 6mths for this procedure to even begin. I am feeling increasingly frustrated and isolated at the minute. I feel people think I am making excuses for his behaviour and just need to discipline him more, but I know my son and he is really struggling. His head teacher is threatening to exlude him from shcool at lunch times, and I dont know anyone who I can talk to who will understand what I am going through. I am reading as much as I can about the subject but no one else around me seems interested. Can anyone tell me what I can expect from the assessment?Thanks for listening.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 4

      sounds like your son may have a form of autism.Ist good your reading into autism. I my self have a 8 year old son who is yet to be stamented.He has been assessed via his school with speech & therapy,psychologist ect..He has now been discharged from speach& therapy as his speech is fine now.He was delayed in talking till he was 4.I think because autism comes in so many diffrent levels and is difficult. Its a harder condition to understand and assessing is to see and statement that level of autism with what ever name.Mine too finds play time hard and i get fedup with teachers going on about him not behaving to day.Th ey are very understanding but hes hard work for them.It will work out for you im shore in the mean time talk to son have him open up on how he feels about things.Hes not odd hes coping with the world around him.He still hurts like anyone and needs to learn to cope and go along with things even though he cant get it.raining cats & dogs is stupid for them as it makes no sence and is pointless to say that.

      k smith

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 2

      Thank you k. It means a lot just to hear there are people out there who are going through similar experiences and have some understanding. As I said I have felt quite isolated at times.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 96

      He has been labelled as badly behaved, cheeky and rude. Though his teachers dont know what to do with him and describe him as “odd” and “innapropriate”. LOL That is how they said I was and unteacable was another favI have aspergers syndromehttp://autismandaspergersinthefamily.freeforums.org/behaviours-f11.html

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