Home Forums Autism Research Seeking participants for a social interaction study in London

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    • annie
      Post count: 1


      I’m a Master’s student from University College London. I’m currently working on a research project about social interaction in autistic individuals. I am posting regarding seeking help from the community to see if you might be interested in taking part in this behavioural study at UCL.

      We are looking for autistic adults aged between 18-65, with normal or corrected vision and hearing.
      If brief, the study will take place at UCL ICN (near Rusell Square, London), and it may take approx 2 hours. It involves a short interaction with a partner, including a conversation task and a video-watching task. You may also need to complete a cognitive assessment and some questionnaires.
      More detailed information can be found here: https://devdivlab.org.uk/Takingpartinasocialinteractionandperceptionstudy
      The study has been approved by the UCL Research Ethics Committee. Your participation will kept confidential and your privacy will be respected throughout the experiment.

      If you would to take part, please contact us through our study website above. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask me!

      Thank you for taking the time to read this and I really appreciate your help!

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