Home Forums Autism Research Autism Research Survey (Researcher-Volunteer interaction)

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    • Anonymous
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      Dear all, I am an autism researcher in the field of cognitive neuroscience, but (inspired by many chats with my volunteers) I have recently set up a survey which is supposed to look at the interaction of autism researchers and people on the spectrum. Therefore I am looking for volunteers to complete a short online questionnaire about the communication between individuals with autism spectrum disorders and professionals who investigate autism and how this affects the research that is conducted. Previous surveys have shown that many people onthe autism spectrum are unhappy with the way autism is researched or even feel left out and ignored by professionals. I would like to know more about the underlying dynamics that cause this apparent ‘rift’ between researchers and individuals with autism and if it is as deep as has been suggested. To this end I am planning to ask professionals who work in the field of autism research as well as individuals with a diagnosis on the autism spectrum to fill in this short questionnaire.If you are interested in taking part in the survey please click the following link:http://surveymonkey.com/s/neurodiversity_researchMany thanks for your time and please don't hesitate to ask any question you might have. Best wishes,Joe

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